



This year, not as effortlessly as it seems, we presented four collections through four shows in Dubai: three ‘Interludes’ followed by a second chapter in our ‘Neverland’ saga. And while we enjoyed every bit of these experiences, truth must be told: showing up so frequently and at such an incredible pace does take its toll on a small structure like ours, both physically and financially. We probably will be slowing down next year, in hopes of delivering stronger and more articulated collections such as our last one: ‘Borderline’.


Reaction, as opposed to inspiration, has always been the starting point of our creative process. As a brand that’s established, functioning and growing in the global south, soaking in the environment and incorporating all of our collective struggles in our messaging has always been very important to us. Last year we proudly claimed that ‘staying is resisting’, this year we put these words into action, although instead of raging against the machine, our anger translated into messages of love, care and tenderness; all of which are unfortunately a rare currency nowadays.


More tangibly however, this year was the year we achieved our own financial independence, buying business partners out and regaining full control of our operations. A step that was long awaited and greeted with relief. A step that enabled us to open and establish our own production workshop in the city of Tripoli and to focus even more on expanding our business, growing not only locally, but internationally through an increasing number of points of sale.


Throughout this intense year, and for various reasons, I’ve found myself more socially secluded than ever before, trying to find balance between intense moments of human connection and deep dives into alone, private time. Perhaps also somewhat distancing myself from the people most close to me. The inner circle changed, the team changed, some left and others joined, adding even more faces and personalities to the ever-growing family that is Emergency Room.


Perhaps what I’m most thankful for at the end of this year is that family. Present, absent, close or far, the existence and evolution of Emergency Room has always been intrinsically connected to the presence of a support system unlike any other, and for that I thank you and hope that we successfully manage to be a beacon of hope and forever be the mirror we so necessarily need to hold up to the world.


Recklessly yours,
Eric Mathieu Ritter

By Emergency Room