@jouanasamia shot by @christianabf
ER: What do you do? What do you live for?
JS: I'm a performing artist, I work as a choreographer and movement director and I'm super interested in fashion. I live for performing arts.
ER: Who is the person that inspires you the most?
JS: At the moment, the person who inspires me the most is Anthony Nakhle. I think he made me understand that calmness is so essential for whatever we do, and this inspired me.
ER: What is a product you can't live without?
JS: Eyebrow gel.
ER: A thought that makes you smile?
JS: Connecting to the Lebanese art scene.
ER: Feeling down, what do you do?
JS: I love to get out of my head and just move, this helps me a lot to get better. Other than that, good food and quality time with friends.
ER: Where can we find you in Berlin? and in Beirut?
JS: So in Berlin you would find me most likely in my dance studio because this is where I spend the most time, or in my home. and in Beirut, most likely in Mar Mikhael at the moment, this is where I spend most of the time, or I leave Beirut to go to the beach in Batroun.
ER: Will you make a playlist for us?
JS: I would love to make a playlist for you.